Camera Connect

I designed the mobile app "Camera Connect" which connects with Canon’s cameras. You can do remote shooting and import photos in your camera to your smart devices with the app. My team researched users and tested about the usability by using a prototype. After that, we started designing this app. I did almost all of the visual design and visual rules.

Lead Designer
2013.Jan - 2017.Mar
After Effects
Me - Lead Designer
2 Product Managers
2 Frontend-Engineers

Background and Problem

The design back in 2013 was a skeuomorphism design with green as the key color. There was a problem with this design: the app needed to be operated at the same time as the camera, but the camera and app UI had completely different looks and structures, so they could not be used seamlessly!

Design System

The same visual design and structure as the camera UI has been incorporated into the app side for more seamless use of the two screens. Also, I created rules for the layout, color scheme, Illustrations, and icons for all screens and designed them to be consistent throughout. Also, I designed the animations for the walkthrough screen with After Effects.